Thursday 12 March 2009

See the difference...

Maybe such simplified pictures should give us the inspiration and energy to cope with the absurd?
Entrepreneurs will always want to maximize profits on their businesses and pay as little as possible their employees…
Trade unionist will always be trying to earn more and work less…
This view is also simplified – the labour relations evolve in a right direction but the crisis reminds us these principles are to some extent still true…

PS. As I whizzed through the most popular info websites in Polish Internet it appears the tenth anniversary of our accession to North Atlantic Treaty Organisation passed unnoticed. Regrettably, one of the crucial architects, who brought the negotiations to the end, passed away few months ago. There’s nobody to mention his merits, but also nobody to call him “a traitor of Polish nation” or remind his Jewish parentage…

And for the very end – another critical article on our pension system…

1 comment:

  1. Old PRL-era joke: "Capitalism is the exploitation of man by his fellow man. Here, in the communist system, it's the other way round!"
