Tuesday 26 May 2009

A survey…

which I was asked to fill in. Half of my kingdom to the one who’ll tell why was it given out to the students in the private language school… I don’t even know for whom it is, I won’t ask anybody to help me answer these few simple questions. As a typical fault-finder (treat it with a pinch of salt :-) I’m looking for the flaw of Polish schooling system as a whole, when it comes to language teaching.
My first suggestion after few years of learning – teachers, textbook authors and other experts blend British and American English, consequently the language student use is often a mixture of those two types. I personally stick to the BrE, finding all American modifications like “realize” (although it’s correct in BrE as well), “color”, etc. dirty, hideous, oversimplified, nevertheless I use words characteristic for AmE instead of British equivalents, cause I was taught so, now I have to kick that habit…
Original British genteel English has its virtue, but in the Internet prevails the AmE…

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