Monday 15 June 2009

The next nagging question...

I received this piece of paper today, by traditional mail… and raised my eyebrows – today’s bank’s proposal beat the one I got over a month ago, when opening a deposit.
I can’t catch on how did the credit analysts figure out such sum? Over seventy eight thousand zlotys? And a monthly instalment of more than two thousand. How did they measure my creditworthiness? I’m a student, I have no steady monthly income and the money I get from my school as scholarship for good grades and my remunerations for part-time jobs are transferred into my account in another bank.
I rung up bank’s call centre, the nice lady explained me the sum had been worked out by their internal credit scoring system on the basis of the history of my account. Idiotic, all the money I keep there wouldn’t even serve as a decent collateral, moreover – if I needed money I would firstly draw on my own resources and withdraw it from the bank and only then, surely in desperation apply for a loan. If a bank was only a bit like sound, it wouldn’t give me more than two thousand zlotys, although it should not give me even a single zloty…
Predictably, the lady from the call centre was intently trying to flog me the “urgent loan”. May that ridiculous incident be the example of what people can resort to, to meet the stupid sales targets.

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