Tuesday 13 April 2010

From shock towards paranoia

The discrepancy between media coverage of national mourning and what I see in Warsaw is growing. I have written about it in comments on other blogs, so in short – I could not see mourners on the streets and in my school, people behave normally, talk about down-to-earth issues, if they mention the tragedy it’s only because another event was called off due to mourning. As the comments on sundry forums imply, those people who gathered outside presidential palace did it mostly for fun and to meet other people. After all a human being is a social animal – no wonder they came there to take photos, sing and share their feelings.

I would like to thank Russians here:
1/ for the sense of fraternity our nations have probably never felt,
2/ for president and prime minister praying for the fatalities,
3/ for a personal address to Polish nation,
4/ for help given to Polish prime minister and families who went to Moscow to identify bodies,
5/ for national mourning on a day which should be joyful for all Russians,
6/ for thousands of white and red flowers laid outside Polish embassy in Moscow,
7/ and for broadcasting Katyń film in first channel of Russian national television in prime time.

But is it a right moment to say a friend in need is a friend indeed?

I am also grateful to Polish officials who have decided farewell ceremonies and funerals will be held over the weekend. Holding it on working day would unnecessarily bring Warsaw and Cracow to a standstill.

I find it increasingly harder to put up with worshiping the deceased president, mostly by those ones who would slag him off just a few days ago. Once a clunky man making funny faces is now almost venerated, one element seems to be missing – a halo over his head. The Economist has published a balanced review of Mr Kaczynski accomplishments. Mr Kaczynski, who died along with 95 others, including many of Poland’s military and political elite, in a plane crash in Russia on April 10th, epitomised some of the best and the worst features of Polish politics. - they write. In Poland the profile of Mr Kaczynski’s is likely be angled. Until 10 April 2010 his presidency was controversial… After 10 April it has been idealised.

Meanwhile some bloggers allegedly cleaned up their sites what means they deleted posts which included adverse opinions about president. I didn’t, the full record of my critical views on his presidency is more or less here.

Somebody has also put forward to bury Mr Kaczynski and his wife on Wawel, among the most distinguished Poles. This looks as a misunderstanding. As a head of state he deserves a funeral and grave, but on Powązki Wojskowe, where many outstanding Poles are buried. To make it clear, I think none of Polish politicians would deserve to be buried on Wawel, even those whom I respect most should not be granted such privilege.

Poland’s civil society holds strong and the action to prevent it on facebook was supported by almost 10,000 people within a few hours. I support the idea to grant Mr Kaczynski a title of freeman of Warsaw – he was a mayor of the capital, his tie-ups with Warsaw were very close, but to name a new bridge or the national stadium is out of place for me.

NIE dla pochowania Kaczyńskich na Wawelu!

I know it’s controversial, but avoiding bringing up debatable issues will get us nowhere. Nowhere but to distortions.


  1. A good part of an article in Gazeta Wyborcza summarising why Wawel is the wrong place.

  2. Wawel aside - I wonder why media do this circus.

    At first I've thought it's because some people were ashamed of what they did to image of Kaczyński, and now they do it in reverse (over the top, again).

    But I don't think people deciding what to show in TV are allowed to show emotions, etc. This is serious business, and politics.

    So why Kaczyński image went from very bad to saint and hero in a few hours?

    I don't think it's because people loved him all the time. I think this i becuase there are many powers fighting, and the Smoleńsk disaster made it very unpopular to criticize anybody, especially Kaczyński.

    So media that was friendly to PIS realized the moment and did overwhelming campaign of mourning and praising.

    And now people have enough of this mourning, but it is wrong to mix politics with such tragedy, etc.

    Now media that are enemies of PIS are trying to not appear unpatriotic, but to stop praising Kaczyński.

    This is modern political PR in the working - tragic stories are fighting for the souls of viewers (==voters), I find it disgusting and interesting at the same time.

    Hope everything will be normal soon, too much sugaring on the TV makes me sick and reminds me of Great Uncle Stalin, or JP2. It just feels wrong when media tell me sth so many times with so big intensity. I feel "If it were true somebody would just say it once and go on".

    No disrespect to people that died in the plane nor their families. I just want to live in normal country, not in media run circus.
