Sunday 21 July 2013

The Southern Bypass – probably not the last update

The promise kept. The weather this morning was anything, but not conducive to cycling. Clear blue skies, warm, but not hot (slightly below +20C), northerly breeze taking the gloss off heat. Perfect conditions to get on the bike and check the progress on local section of the Southern Bypass of Warsaw, according to original plans, scheduled to be opened in April 2012.

I cycle safely up the cycle path along ul. Puławska, then use the pavements rather than road. When behind the wheel I’m so fed up with irresponsible cyclists (the worst incidences of thoughtlessness among drivers and cyclist can be observed on narrowed section of ul. Puławska where junction with the Bypass is being built) that I never share the street with cars on busy roads. It’s safer for everyone – I have to mind the pedestrians or cycle slowly on bumpy roadside, but don’t need to worry that a carefree speeding meathead runs me down.

I turn left to ul. Ludwinowska and a few minutes later I reach the intersection with ul. Poloneza. The dirt track running to the newly built splendid viaduct over the bypass has been hardened some time ago. Once I even dared to drive there in an attempt to pass by Friday afternoon traffic jam on ul. Puławska. I drove mere 15 kpmh and was overtaken by three hell-bent drivers, probably all in company cars. Hasty bastards whipped up huge billows of dust which until now lingers on my car’s bodywork…

Reluctant to pedal hard, I scramble up the viaduct and look towards ul. Puławska. A layman’s eye tells me finishing works are left to be done on this section and long-awaited opening may come to a pass. I finally see the light at the end of this tunnel. Opening in 4Q2013 is doable, provided the recent pace of work is kept up…

Then I ride west to cycle up the other viaduct that takes ul. Hołubcowa over the expressway. To the right – this time looking west, towards junction Lotnisko. Compared to what I saw here in early March, the road builders have caught up impressively. The recent progress is commendable, but won’t outshine slackness of the contractor over the first 3 years of construction.

I roam around the vicinity of the junction, walk down the technical stairway and snap this. These are the two main roads of the bypass, each designed to be divided into three lanes, running beneath Radom line tracks. Unlike many other cyclists, I didn’t take a ride through the road. The works were not running at full steam, yet some vehicles were moving there and some workers were busy tidying up the expressway. Unlike most Poles I have much respect for health and safety and avoid entering areas I should keep away from. It’s not about being reproved by a security guard, but about my own safety. A driver of huge truck should focus on his work rather than on watching out for reckless trip-makers…

Then I head home down ul. Hołubcowa. Using the word ‘ulica’ to describe the bumpy dirt track is at best a misnomer. The track, passable for SUVs and cyclists, allows me to get to ul. Baletowa and what I spot behind the level crossing…? A police car. The policemen were lurking behind shrubs to catch drivers ignoring the ‘STOP’ signage before the crossing. I must admit whenever visibility permits I also do not bring the car to a halt. Who knows how high the fine for such misdemeanour is?

To the right – water retention ponds by ul. Kórnicka. Lifts the spirit whenever I can see something that looks decently. Hope the new ponds will do their job properly and protect nearby area from flooding after copious rainfalls…

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