Sunday 13 May 2018

In a hurry

Apologies guys for not posting anything substantial this weekend. Being kind of busy due to work-related stuff and holidays preparations so that the free time I can enjoy I prefer to spend outdoors rather than staring at computer screen.

Just one reflection which I have had in mind for a few days. My job is definitely imperfect. There are scores of things which f*ck me up: how badly processes are organised, how unequally the workload is split in my team, how my boss lacks communications skills, how unreliable my front office colleagues are, how mean and unkind workmates how be, how little the organisation cares about its staff and how hopelessly it is focused on itself. I could go on moaning about the drawbacks, yet I do what I like, each days brings new challenges and in terms of assignments to be done is unrepeatable, it allows me to fulfil my potential, I still can learn a lot, I get paid well and the salary is always on time. All in all, advantages outweigh the drawbacks and I wish to carry on where I work and I believe my approach is constructive.

If so, why can I not apply such down-to-earth wisdom in my relationship – I keep asking myself whether I am too demanding or the relationship does not pass muster. This is something I have been trying to think over, yet with no reasonable outcome.

Next post in early June, when I return from holidays.

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