Sunday 5 May 2019

POW - photo update

Wednesday, 1 May was the only day of the long beginning-of-May weekend with relatively clement weather (sunny, up to +18C), so instead of lazing away in the afternoon, I took the bike out of the basement (an underground parking lot and a storage room I believe are the concomitant essentials of a comfortable dwelling) and jumped on it, to inspect the progress of works on the Southern Bypass of Warsaw construction site.

Firstly I set off to the western end of the building terrain, however not from the usual spot from which the site is observable (i.e. not from ul. Płaskowickiej) but from the north-west corner of Las Kabacki. The fence separating the construction are is relatively far from the tunnel inlet, so I could snap little, but believe me or not, works out there were going on. Interestingly, works on Ursynów Zachód junction have not commenced.

Further east, ul. Pileckiego and ul. Stryjeńskich have had their bypasses (po polsku bajpas) tarmacked over, yet traffic is due to be diverted there on 10 May. The purpose of changing routes is to dig the tunnel beneath those streets which have been opened to traffic so far. Drivers will need to learn how to tackle asymmetrical intersections with traffic lights. I foresee traffic paralysis and several prangs over the next weekend.

Narrow ul. Płaskowickiej is definitely not a good place for cyclists, so I move east through Osiedle Wyżyny to finally find the bike traffic playground built last year. The purpose of the facility is to teach children basic traffic rules. Given irresponsibility of those who do not need to come by any document to become traffic participants, I commend the idea. Based on my observations, parents, sadly, fail to instil in their offspring the rules of prudent cycling.

Another snap, taken peeking through a hole in the fence running along ul. Stryjeńskich, looking east. The tunnel section is built by the Polish subsidiary of Astaldi as a leader. Despite financial hardships of the parent company, the builders have not abandoned this very construction site. Apparently, the technically complex contract is profitable enough to keep it going (hope they carry on until the completion).

I stray away for a few minutes from my route to visit one of more famous building in Ursynów. Who will guess (or rather who knows) what this inconspicuous block of flats is renowned for?

Pedalling through Ursynów, I spot very few cyclists and pedestrians outside. Sadly, those who I meet on my way cycle recklessly, shout their mouths out and swear… Here, on the verge of the escarpment I see the route of the roads as they slip out of the tunnel. I sincerely doubt the expressway will be opened in August 2020…

Another view of the Wilanów section of the bypass, snapped from a guarded housing estate whose premises I have trespassed on. In the distance one can see developments of Ursynów and… a viaduct. Besides, the black spot in the eye of my camera persists (more visible when I use optical zoom).

Another picture, from the same place. I wonder whether bright sparks who have purchased not inexpensive pieces of residential housing out there had checked the zoning plans or they had just shrugged off proximity of the six-lane fast-traffic road. Sound barriers, even if put up, will help little and living here will become a nightmare. Price of flats here have little upward potential, I’m afraid…

Further east, I cross ul. Przyczółkowa. Here the progress of works is more visible, as viaducts have been erected. Though the junction is far from being completed, its general layout is already visible. Traffic arrangement these days is far superior to how it was a year ago, when a windy stretch of ul. Przyczółkowa was a hindrance to motorists.

My destination, Wał Zawadowski, less than half a mile from Vistula. Here works are quite advanced. All spans are in place, now the elements which would carry the viaduct over Vistula are slowly being laid. Again, no matter how merciful the weather in coming winter is, I cannot see the bypass passable in late summer next year.

On my way back, I no longer follow the POW, I rather take a detour south of it. The road, no curbs, no pavements, flat landscape, sun shining in my face, yet I am within the borders of Warsaw, in Powsin. In the open air, the wind gets gusty and takes the gloss off cycling. This was my first longer than 15 kilometres ride this season and I felt it in my bones. Note the wing mirror assembled to my bike's handlebar - my recent purchase to increase the safety - while cycling on public roads I missed the sight of traffic behind me.

Unfortunately, weather forecasts say the first two decades of May are to bring rainy weather with below-average temperatures. Currently Poland is plagued by drought, if the tide turns, we may see the same weather pattern as in May 2010 repeated…

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