Sunday 22 September 2019

Live by your rules

An odd jumble of thoughts inspired by the recent definitely not uneventful (who else think double negations take away from clarity of a sentence?) week…

1. Communication between males should be straightforward. If you bear a grudge against your male mate, tell it to him straight in his face. Whenever a discord arises between you, speak out and get it off your chest. Courage is a man’s virtue, so do make use of it and have your say.

2. Some women are like monkeys. A monkey, while jumping around trees, needs to grab one branch before letting the other. Some women will not quit her current boyfriend before they find another one and ensure they will have a smooth landing in his arms just after thy break up. I find it disgusting…

3. This links to thought #2. Bring yourself into order before you start over. This means after you decide to terminate a relationship, get over it, realise what has been wrong with it and what you do not want to repeat in the next one.

4. If you want, you will find a way, if you do not want, you will find an excuse.

5. If you have a problem with yourself, firstly admit it and define it. If you fail to cope with it yourself, nor your friends are capable of helping you, consult a therapist. This is not a shame, a shame is to get stuck in a mire.

6. There is no room for mercy in business. The corporate world occasionally gives somebody hard time or just sends somebody under. If this is a part of the game, so shape up or ship out.

7. The universe is in a balance. The evil you receive from people into the long run is counterbalanced by the good. While the former hurts, the latter must be discerned, taken with gratitude and paid back for.

8. Karma always returns. Being good to fellow humans disinterestedly pays off in moments of predicament even when you least expect it.

9. Even if you think you are a misfit, look around. Quite certainly there are several misfits whose look at the world is akin to yours.

10. See further than the end of your nose. A recent research on motivations of main political parties electorates shows majority of voters of KO and Lewica back the opposition since the vision of a country their favourite party presents squares with their view, while those who support PiS do it since the ruling party ensures their personal benefits (pecuniary allowances).

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