Sunday 29 March 2020

Pandemic diary - week 2

Monday, 23 March 2020

A flood of fake news, mushrooming these days, is another plague we must fight. The appeal is well-belated, yet evil people keep trying to capitalise on fear and destabilise our society. The problem is we still know little about the coronavirus. Even scientists, when asked questions on the coronavirus, vary in their responses.

I am generally impressed by Poles’ discipline in terms of social distancing. I wonder how long before we run out of patience. I suppose we will have to endure several weeks in such regime.

Tuesday, 24 March 2020

The Polish Banks Association’s proposal on loan rescheduling and relief package is not worth a fig. My insight into the world of banking and how specific banks pursue it takes me aback negatively. These are just guidelines, not legally binding and set forth in the absence of loosening any regulation on capital adequacy and asset impairment standards. The mess inside the banking sector is overwhelming, to the detriment of clients.

Walked to a nearby (3 kilometres from home) PKN Orlen station to attempt to buy the renowned disinfection liquid manufactured by the company. The card at the station’s door informs they are temporarily out of stock, which is a blatant departure from the truth. They are at times temporarily stocked up.

Wednesday, 25 March 2020

A fortnight since I moved my office home and keep my distance in interhuman relations. One psychologist claimed a human brain needs two weeks to adjust to a totally new situation. I think I have learnt to live with it, yet I cannot say I get on with it.

The new restrictions in place since today are imprecise. The decree has been written at the back of an envelope and raises several doubts. Nevertheless I will not stays inside the walls of my flat. I will take physical exercise alone and will ensure a two-metre distance from other people is kept.

Second day in a row of working for 13 hours.

Thursday, 26 March 2020

The ruling party insists on holding the presidential election in May 2020, despite the epidemic. I recall a post written nearly 10 years ago. The phrase po trupach do celu has never suited so well to what PiS is doing.

Death statistics are falsified. My high-school classmate who works at MSWiA hospital confirms what is said in the media. The number of fatalities is deflated for a simple reason – if a patient has all symptoms of coronavirus and dies, the corpse is not tested for the virus due to shortage of tests and diagnostics capacity. This is justified, since scarce resources should be allocated to help the alive, yet the reported death toll does not give a fair picture.

Friday, 27 March 2020

During my regular evening walks around the neighbourhood I see no incidences of people ignoring the restrictions. This gives some hope the number of infected patients will not rise as quickly as in Spain or Italy.

A spell of warmth also lifts my spirits. I spend three hours on the balcony.

Saturday, 28 March 2020

It is a sad day for democracy in Poland, one of many since late 2015. Bandits from PiS have attempted to change the election code, 43 days ahead of the scheduled voting. This is yet another breach of constitution, plus rules of the game are changed after it has commenced.

The numbers of cars parked in the open air, or rather the number of free parking lots around Ursynów, suggests several locals have decided to flee Warsaw and wait out the epidemic in their home towns. Many with their elderly relatives.

Temperature today tops +17C, time for a cycling shake-down. I take a 50-kilometre bike ride and take it in my stride. I am astonished by how fit I am after the winter season. Sadly, as the temperature rises and outdoor beckons, social discipline melts.

1 comment:

  1. The Ages shall look upon your record of these times with gratitude.
