Sunday 7 January 2018

The Way of the Superior Man…

…A Spiritual Guide to Mastering the Challenges of Women, Work, and Sexual Desire

The book by David Deida was one of my birthday gifts received in December. When I spotted it on my desk the morning after I turned thirty and upon leafing through the book and reading out some random sentences, I was pretty sure the gift had been handed by my workmate, who is… (unlike me) fond of spirituality and always intent to spill her fascination over everyone around.

I actually do not truly share her enchantment with spirituality and probably I am too self-constrained to make out elements of spirituality in processes such as ejaculation, therefore I treated reading the book with reserve, but with a dose of curiosity.

I am sceptical towards any guides how to live your life, because (watch out, cliché) every human is different, therefore there is no single recipe how to work on yourself to become a better man, as well as how to build relationships with fellow people, since each of them is unique. Giving credence to “how-to-live” guides means following somebody’s steps blindfold, while I believe one should rely on one’s wits, emotional intelligence and experience in handling relationships with other humans. Needless to say, it takes errors along the way, but lessons learnt from one’s mistakes are those most memorable.

Nevertheless, the book fleshes out some concepts which I believe are universal and pave the way to happiness and self-fulfilment of a male.

Firstly, be yourself and shape the world around. Trying to shape oneself, or at worst pretending to be someone else just to live up to your mates’ expectation is a bumpy road to nowhere. Only being yourself and knowing the rest of the world accepts the way you are can drive away the frustration. Beware though, this is not at odds with striving for perfection on every step you take. Besides, a wilful male impacts the world around him. You should not entirely accept what surrounds you, your power sets direction in which things drift.

Secondly, keep a healthy distance, towards life in general. There are matters you have no influence on and for the benefit or your mental health you should least worry about them. When it comes about things you have an effect on, do not get carried away by emotions, stay calm, comes hell or high water.

Thirdly, be decisive. There is nothing more infuriating than seeing a male who dithers or is afraid to take a decision. It does not matter much whether such sight is seen by a woman or by another man. Being decisive proves responsibility and maturity.

Fourthly, focus on spiritual aspect of your relationship. I would argue while the honeymoon is over and the daily grind becomes overwhelming, it is essential to remember about non-down-to-earth sphere of life to keep the flame burning. Dissecting the spiritual aspects of ejaculation is maybe not the essence of this, but my good friend skilfully put it into words. He said being together means putting up with your partner’s shortcomings which will not f**k you up only if you love your partner to bits.

Fifthly, discern and make us of your manly and womanly traits. This piece of advice dwells on the concept of gender and the fact no human has its profile in 100% consistent with their biological sex. While pairing up, two people ought to supplement one another, so that the sums of their womanhood and manhood in their relationship should add up to 100%. Relationships with surpass of womanhood or manhood end up with a clash and are less likely to last long happily.

Having read the post over and over again I see my own writing has become a preacher’s twaddle. To escape this philosophical mood, I am flying to Tromso, Norway, beyond the polar circle. Coverage of this trip to ensue in two weeks.

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