Sunday 30 December 2018

2018 in a nutshell

A recap post, summing up what happened in anything, but uneventful year drawing to a close, written in a typical for this period frame of mind. I keep disliking the idle period between Christmas and New Year’s day when the world nearly comes to a standstill. I actually would have nothing against it being in late June, when days are long, warm and sunny, not at the darkest time of year, when greyness is underwhelming. I recall last seeing sunbeams 13 days ago, for less than half an hour, while taking a business trip south of Warsaw (I found them pesky since they were blinding me). I long for sunlight, I yearn for warmth, I hanker after weather which would lift my spirits. I need to wait out this ghastly period!

Beginning of 2018 meant starting out in a new position after being promoted. The promotion has involved being transferred to a different team and a pay rise, but my scope of duties has remained intact. Functionally, things are set to move on in 2019, since my manager has promised to assign me more decision-making power, apart from pure analytical work.

I was taking up the new role while struggling problems with mental health. Fortunately, the second set of pills, prescribed by an excellent psychiatrist, combined with the inner strength, have helped me overcome the illness which has not relapsed in next months, though conditions were conducive to it.

In February my ex-girlfriend and I rented a flat together. Sharing the daily grind had put the relationship to the test and laid bare how badly we did not fit each other. After nearly six months spent under one roof I decided to put us both out of misery and break up. I do not regret that decision.

2018 was a year when I changed places of residence three times. The temporary dwelling, found after a two-week search turned out to be a truly dejecting place, yet in less than three weeks after renting that flat, I purchased my own one, in need of all-out renovation. The remont has now entered the final phase and next weeks are bound to be busy with lots of stuff to be co-ordinated and handled if I am to move in by the end of February. In the meantime I will have to win the battle against my soring spine (same problems as in 2016 and the same set of daily exercises to overcome them).

Becoming a fully-fledged resident of Ursynów (not only being property-owner and registered there, but also living there) will coincide with the 10th anniversary of blogging. A few months ago I considered giving up on blogging on that occasion. Today I suppose with more free time available and living in an inspiring and spirit-lifting place I stand a chance of returning to top form as blogger and write with a huge dose of inspiration, as large as enjoyed in 2009 or 2010.

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