Sunday 17 February 2013

Four years on!

Few bloggers can boast about such quite long track record. Despite being short of time and other adverse circumstances I’m soldiering and don’t plan to give it up. To mark the anniversary, a short list of several out of over 300 posts that deserve to be remembered. I’m not judging they are my best, nor claim they are outstanding, but think are the ones worth reverting to.

The very first serious post – in the middle of option crisis in Poland

The timeline of Polish history after 1989, but before its defining moment which ensued 10 months later.

At the end of this trifling post – an appeal for support to Paula Pruska, young Polish blogger, who documented her fight against the cancer, lost on 31 August 2011…

A look at pathologies of Polish banking from before the times when I immersed to it – as a 3rd year student with no job, no income and little assets I was offered a huge loan…

The shift from socialism to free-market economy – who was better-off,who worse-off.

Taxation and justice – part 1 and part 2

My take on martial law in Poland – hasn’t changed since then

Why I don’t commend pursuing loose monetary policy – a recommended read less than two weeks after fourth consecutive interest rate cut in Poland

What’s to blame for the crisis – Lack of fear or other factors?

Black swan theory – posted two days before Smolensk crash – what a coincidence…

A hilarious attempt to write a letter of application in English – one of many lost battles betweens Poles and the most often used foreign language in Poland.

How end justifies the means – after three years I look at how PiS and its followers have no scruples to harness any method to attain their political goals – this will never change…

The whole series of posts on the story of 1,000 PLN I lent to my classmate who turned out to be a compulsive gambler – I haven’t recovered the money, but it’s nothing compared to him, up-and-coming lawyer expelled from university, doing a sentence for unpaid debts and after a few suicide attempts…

Probably the most controversial post on Smolensk crash – number of comments proves this best!

Winter timelines – 2010/11 and 2011/12, another one pending

A comprehensive description of workings of Polish pension system, written in time when it was one of the most topical issues – part 1 and part 2

Memories of 9 April 2010 and 10 April 2010 – for posterity…

The last post on studying at my university – foreign language teaching evaluation

On taking risks – indispensable in our lives

A gloomy picture of farewell to the ruthless corporate world – this year my company is going to lay off 600 employees, or over 10% of its staff. Here we go again!

My last year’s examination of conscience – helped me understand a lot and realise how many mistakes I had made…

A conversation between my guardian angel and me – over four months have gone by, I have broken away, but still there are days when I have to chase away ghosts of the past… And here is when it began. Over a year wasted?

Corpo-life in a nutshell – a wry look at absurdities of corporate capitalism and similarities between it and the communism.

On top of this, I’d add all reviews of films and books – it never hurts to have a dose of culture here…

Anything you’d add to the list, enjoyed most, etc.? My foregone conclusion is that since the inception of full-time job quality of my blogging has gone down - less time for writing, less time for reflections, less inspiration...

1 comment:

  1. ...but keep at it just the same. Always a pleasure to pop by and catch up on some serious erudition. You are still my pick for Prezes NBP in 2035!
