Voter turnout reached, as I envisaged yesterday 24,53 per cent (I predicted 24 per cent), elections were won by Civil Platform which will get twenty five out of fifty seats that will fall to Poland – after one and a half year of rule of the party the support for it does not diminish. As I noticed within the last days, the interest in the politics is still rather low – people shrug off their rights and resort to various excuses to justify their reluctance to exercise their rights. During Saturday English class only two of thirteen people declared they would go to the polls, the rest did not care. Today as I talked with my fellows at school they also had various excuses like “I’ve lost my ID”, “the way to the polling station was uphill”, etc. One of my friends placed on Nasza-klasa and photos of himself casting a ballot… But the hell did he go to the polling station in the tracksuit (with three stripes)?
The pendulum of political preferences has swung right in the Europe, the ranks of European Parliament will be joined by a few extreme-right-wing parties and freaks like tow deputies of “Pirates party” from Sweden…
My mother went today to the public library in Piaseczno, where the polling station for the centre of the sub-Warsaw town was. She stopped for a moment to peek at the results slips hanging on the entry door. To her (and mine) surprise Danuta Hubner did not get any, literally any vote in this station, nor any other runner from the Civil Platform – a bit shocking. Electorate of Piaseczno voted for Law and Justice, Union of Real Politics and Left Democratic Alliance. Not a vote for Civic Platform…
Marian Krzaklewski was not elected – that only borne testimony how ridiculous the idea of pulling him onto Platform’s list in Podkarpacie was. CP should not try to identify itself with Law and Justice – its voters do not expect it from it. They want a strong pro-European, forward-looking party!
Wojtek Olejniczak is going to pursue his career in European Parliament, thanks to the votes of sixty fife thousand voters. He’ll finally polish up his English!
Politicians of Law and Justice make a purge within their party and call for holding responsible the ones who contributed to the poor result of the party. Jarosław Kaczyński has said one of rare wise things in his life – called Zbigniew Ziobro on learning foreign languages, unless he wants to become a second-class deputy. My standing ovation!
And the jewel in the crown (you know the word irony, don’t you?) of Polish journalism – Rafał Ziemkiewicz has had a slip-up last night – he showed himself in his true colours, sadly applauded by accompanying journalists. No comment…
A na koniec apel – o pomoc dla młodej osoby, która dzięki Waszej pomocy wygrać walkę z chorobą
Potrzebuję Twojej pomocy!
Każda przesłana zlotówka ma dla mnie wielkie znaczenie!
Są utworzone konta bankowe na które można dokonywać wpłaty dobrowolne!!!
28 1140 2004 0000 3102 5225 0347
Paulina Pruska Ul.Wittiga4/35 03-188 Warszawa
W tytule należy napisać "Leczenie Pauliny Pruskiej"
Na powyższe konto można dokonywać też wpłat zagranicznych
Swift(Bic) BREXPLPWMBK i IBAN literki PL(należy je wpisać przed nr. rachunku)
96 2130 0004 2001 0299 9993 0007
nr konta Fundacji Świętego Mikołaja
ul. Przesmyckiego 40 05-500 Piaseczno
Należy dodać dopisek
"Na leczenie i rehabilitację Pauliny Pruskiej"
I Ty możesz przyczynić się do mojego powrotu do zdrowia!!!
Cranes and trains
The cold snap continues, it's 7pm and -4°C outside right now; it's not been
perfectly cloudless but now then then the sun blasts through. Sunset is
just be...
2 days ago
North of the border, up Ursynow way, "a dog with a lame leg wouldn't vote PiS". Ursynow had a high turnout, over 50%, though not quite enough to win the Pępek Europy award, which went to Magdalenka.
I must say I had to swallow hard when putting my cross againt Danuta Huebner. Because of her SLD (Stalin-Lenin-Dno) roots, I found it exceedingly difficult to vote for her, yet voting for anyone else on the Platforma list would be a vote for PiS. Such is the electoral system for the EU parliament.
Still, the result was excellent. All ten 'silly party' candidates from the League of Polish Families (Oi!) will be saying bye bye Brussels (with the exception of Filip Adwent who met his end in a classic Polish manner - head-on smash into oncoming traffic).
The poll result was a mid-term vote of confidence for Poland's least ridiculous party.
PO are not doing enough to get the country going (infrastructure? tax reform? rural reform? HELLO?)but at least they do not make Poland look silly abroad.
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