With some
considerable delay, the Polish government unveiled this week the long-awaited
report containing a comprehensive analysis of the Polish pension system and
recommendations for coming changes into its workings. Regular readers of this
blog probably know the topic and my opinion on it inside out, yet if somebody
has to catch up, follow these posts. The report, in Polish, can be found here.
I have not found any English-language summary of it, yet for the sake of
brevity, I will not summarise it, nor repeat anything I have written before as
there have been no fundamental changes that need to be underlined.
of private-run pension funds being a part of public social security system
have, predictably, torn a strip off its authors, accusing government-linked
experts of manipulations, lies and use of propaganda, funnily enough without
pointing at any specific example. The critics also say calculations presented
in the report are distorted. Due to shortage of time and data, I cannot check
accuracy of calculations presented in the report, yet if the only accusation is
that the government presented investment results of pension funds net-of-fees,
rather than gross-of-fees, then jaw drops open helplessly. For my part, I have
found the report surprisingly substantive and unbiased and see in it one of few
commendable recent attainments of PO-led government.
let’s face the truth, this overhaul is carried out not because minister
Rostowski cares so much about future benefits of the Polish pensioners, but the
key incentive for pursuing it is the tightness of public finances.
The report
analyses inter alia the impact of private-run pension funds on capital markets.
As an analyst I have seen a few examples of stock-listed companies in which
pension funds were major investors and those companies, actively managed by key
shareholders, have been well-run. For many companies capital provided by
pension funds was indispensable for development and proved a successful
investment. Pension funds also contributed to development of Warsaw Stock
Exchange and helped it grow to be the biggest such institution in CEE. But
there is also the other side of the coin. The processes which have had
favourable impact on Polish capital market will one day, due to changes in
demographic trends, reverse. Today pension funds are net buyer of securities,
but in a few decades outflows from pension funds will surpass inflows, as fewer
people will work and pay contributions and more will be paid benefits. Then
pension funds will be putting a downward pressure on stock prices and will have
to dispose of some of its assets… Due to active ownership of shares in
stock-listed companies, the recklessly made decision to nationalise the pool of
assets in pension funds invested in stocks as it would have detrimental impact
on Polish stock market and economy.
fund defenders convince pension funds have contributed to higher GDP growth
rate, while the government claims the effect on economic growth has been
negative. The former back their assertion by arguments I mentioned in the
paragraph above, the latter point out transfers of part of pension
contributions transferred to private-run pension funds, which had to be
replenished by subsidies from state budget, increased government’s borrowing
needs, debt-to-GDP ratio and thus debt service costs. However, the same debt
was later purchased by pension funds, hence increased demand for borrowing from
the government was balanced by increased demand from pension funds – those two
have cancelled each other out, leaving yields on government bonds roughly
unchanged, with some intermediaries (private companies managing pension funds)
charging a considerable percentage of that “hollow circulation of funds” as fee
for facilitating the process. Their revenues, from standpoint of future
pensioners generated a loss.
The report
highlights the problem of “double-tax generation”. One of the goals of the
pension reform in Poland was a shift from pay-as-you-go to capital system.
Under such move, one working generation had to pay contributions for benefits
of current retirees and, at the same time, “save” for their own pensions. Is
such burden not to heavy to carry? Authors of the reformed wanted to fill the
gap by proceeds from privatisation, as the generation of current retirees,
working in socialist Poland, had built many of the big state-controlled
companies. Privatisation itself should be a goal, but not at any price and not
to, let’s face it, meet current government expenses. The whole concept of
privatisation as source of funding for the reform, resembles me a granny who
sells her unnecessary jewellery to make ends meet. Whether it is wise – I am
not the one to judge it…
The issue
hardly anyone broaches is conditionality of state’s liabilities towards
pensioners. In the Social Security Fund you have book records, while in pension
funds you have government securities. Both are the government’s promise to pay,
either directly a pension, either to repay bondholders. However, due to form of
insurance, book records in Social Security Fund are conditional – these
liabilities turn partly unconditional, when a Fund member retires; in pension
funds, where assets can be inherited, the liability is conditional as long as a
member does not retire. Minister Rostowski declared the part of assets
transferred from pension funds to Social Security Fund will also be
inheritable, hence in such way state budget would not be better off.
And the
last problem, with which I have not come up – frankly speaking I hatched the
idea on one of Internet forums – is the functioning of pension funds in the
light of MIFID. Under investor protection regulations, if I was to pay my money
into investment fund with exactly the same investment policy as a strictly
regulated pension fund, I would be obliged to fill in a survey to check
suitability of such investment for me, and in case of unsuitability, I would be
warned against it and would have to sign a statement despite the warning I want
to invest in a risky product. In the case of pension funds, nobody bothers to
follow such procedure, which disproves the untrue claim that “in pension funds
there are people’s money”.
government presented for further discussion 3 variants:
1. The pool
of assets in pension funds comprising of government securities is transferred
to Social Security Fund and booked on accounts allocated to future pensioners.
Other assets in pension funds remain intact, 2.92% out of 19.52% pension
contribution goes to private-run pension funds which are not allowed to invest
in government-issued securities, the rest goes to Social Security Fund.
Furthermore, internal benchmark mechanism (pathological) is scrapped, but
indebtedness ceiling level (currently 50%, 55%, 60% of debt-to-GDP) are
accordingly decreased to prevent rise in public debt.
2. Citizens
are free to choose, whether to participate in private-run pension funds, or to
rely only on state-run Social Security System. The proposal, as I far as I
could notice, does not pin down the split of contribution between state- and
private-run parts of the system. This option is more controversial, as system
participants would have to submit declarations they want to stay in a specific
pension fund; not submitting a declaration would mean silent assent for
transfer of assets to Social Security Fund, plus such decision would be
irrevocable, while the decision to stay in a pension fund could be revoked any
time in the future). Moreover, there is a problem what to do with shares of companies
transferred to Social Security – this would be hard nut to crack, yet feasible,
the report contains some recommendations with feasibility and drawback
analyses. The idea to “write off” government bonds transferred to Social
Security Fund would have to be thoroughly analysed by lawyers, as this smacks
of sovereign default!
3. Extended
freedom to choose – if someone chooses to stay with a pension funds, pension
contribution to private-run funds would be 2 percentage points (in relation to
pre-tax salary) higher. If you read between the lines, the message is “if you
think private-run pension funds are so good, why not pay them more?)
government also resolved that state-run Social Security System will be
responsible for all benefit payments and assets from pension funds will be
gradually transferred to Social Security Fund over last 10 years before
retirement, to minimise risk of lower pension due to downturn on financial
commentators say, variant 3 is least likely to go through, while oppositional
parties lean towards variant 2. I also hold the view that, despite some of its
drawbacks, would be the lesser of all evils and, if amended properly (I put
forward a citizen has to submit a declaration if they want to have assets
allocated to them transferred to Social Security Fund and shifts between
state-run and private-run funds could be done many times and in both way, of
course in minimum intervals of let’s say 6 months), should be implemented.
What I did
not like about the report is that private-run pension funds and their managers
who have ripped over 17 billion PLN off future pensioners are presented as
scapegoats. They are only a beneficiaries of legal framework created by
politicians and if somebody is to blame, these are politicians, who passed such
law, thanks to social support achieved thanks to several misrepresentations.
Imagine you are a wife and your husband asks in his buddies to your house and
lets them eat the whole content of your fridge, piss in your garden and
demolish your furniture – your husband is to blame, not the buddies who were
allowed to do damages.
One of my
colleagues from work told me pension funds from the beginning were meant to be
the scapegoat (not only the best, for reasons below, business on earth). In
fact, to tackle demographic problems you only had to shift from benefit-defined
to contribution-defined system, raise retirement age, scrap some privileges and
create legal framework for voluntary private-run system of pension saving or
insurance. At the end of the day, how high pension benefits will be depends
only on standing of the economy, as investment results of pension fund in the
long run depend on them. This means obligatory pension funds create little
value added, and, provided calculations in the report are accurate, costs they
generate are higher than value added they generate.
Now comes
the time for consultancies. The debate will be fierce, as the prime minister
said, big money is at stake – but for both sides of the argument. Minister
Rostowski will play for more balanced budget, pension funds and its defenders
will play for state-guaranteed source of profits on risk- and
responsibility-free business. And I believe interests of the future pensioners
are somewhere near the bottom of the list of priorities defenders are opponents
of pension funds have.
I only fear
the pension funds will draw another divide line in the Polish society. We have
Poles who believe Martial Law in 1981 prevented a disaster and Poles who
believes general Jaruzelski (turning 90 next Saturday) declared it despite
there was no threat of Soviet intervention only to nip in the bud growing
social movement. We have Poles who believe Smolensk crash was a tragic accident
being aftermath of human errors and Poles who believe it was an assassination.
From now we will have Poles praising government for dismantling the biggest
scam in over 20 years of Third Republic of Poland and Poles believing the
government wants to take over their money.
For the
very end, I was deeply astonished by press conference on Friday by Mr.
Balcerowicz, one of leading defenders of pension funds. When I looked at his
wrathful face when he avidly spoke of “lies, misrepresentations and propaganda”
I feared he would kick the bucket. He did not, but I am curious to find out why
he failed to mention a single, specific lie and disprove it. Is it so difficult
to say “the statement you can find on page X, paragraph X of the report, i.e.
“quote” is untrue, because this and that”? Why has he not done it?
The release
of the report coincides also with congress of the Civic Platform, held this
weekend. It made me realise if I were to choose, I would opt for Donald Tusk’s
platform, not Jarosław Gowin’s one. I opt for moderate economic and social
liberalism, not conservatism. But above all, I opt for sound mind and common