Judging by
the timing of my postings and delay with which I refer to topical problems, it
may seem I am slow off the mark. So instead of writing about mounting Ukrainian
crisis, which gets closer to the verge of military conflict, I will refer to
the headline-hitting, newly-published agenda of the leading oppositional party.
document sets out to diagnose the current state of Poland as the utter
downfall, to which Poland was plunged under the feckless rule of prime minister
Tusk and names the current misery as “system Tuska” and then delineates how,
when PiS headed by its leader, JarKacz, take over power, to lift Poland up from
this misery and make the country thrive.
I am
generally wary of all quick fixes – sort of easier-said-than-done solutions
that would turn the country around within mere a few years, make it a land of
milk and honey, inhabited by prosperous people, with expanding economy and
well-run, efficient government. As a matter of principle, I give such diagnoses
a miss. It takes little to make out what is wrong, it takes more wits to
pertinently identify reasons why something does not work properly and the
biggest challenge is to come up with feasible ideas to set things right.
deliberately leave out what has been said by numerous critics of the agenda,
i.e. PiS politicians promise to spend billions of zlotys, but fail to show how
it is going to raise the money for: allowances for families, decreasing pension
age, huge investments, health service, tax credits for entrepreneurs and in the
meantime reduce public debt. I do not believe in policy of working miracles,
because only a miracle could make ends of this agenda meet and I suppose no
economically literate recipient of this document (or JarKacz’s speeches) would
put stock in hollow promises as his whole story does not even appear to hang
together. Even advocates of PiS policies admit widespread giving-out smacks of
populism, but over-promising is an ordinarily used tactics even in mature
I will do
my best to dissect all agendas of all political parties whenever they appear,
and they should spring up in abundance before 2015 parliamentary elections. As
PiS came up with its agenda first, its file came under fire first. I make no
claims to be an expert in all areas of life, I generally know little about
health service or military forces, but have some notion of economics and as a
banking sector employee, am quite well-versed in its workings and limitations,
therefore in my analysis I will focus only in the “Economy” section and drill
down only some of those paragraphs I am capable of assessing.
The general
diagnose on the current state of Polish economy (pages 73 – 74) is that it is
stuck in low-growth trap, from which it can break out by unleashing the
untapped development resources, with the help and co-ordination of the
government, which should pro-actively engage in pursuit of economic policies.
The growth
resources are simple and complex. The former are money Poland will receive from
the EU funds and… (page 76)
funduszami unijnymi maksymalnie uruchomimy znaczne środki własne i oszczędności
przedsiębiorstw państwowych oraz wykorzystamy nadpłynność banków.
What are
the „own funds” and how are they [PiS] going to make use of state-run enterprises’
savings and banks’ overliquidity? This all reminds me of acquisition of
Lithaunian Mozeiku refinery by PKN Orlen in 2006, the purely political (buy it
to spite the Russians) decision, taken, as with hindsight proven, without
properly carried out due diligence. The refinery was purchased for 2.34 billion
USD in 2006, while in 2013 PKN Orlen was weighing up whether to divest of the
Lithuanian operations for 125 million USD. In the meantime, between 2007 and
2011 the oil producer recognised massive impairment losses, reflecting the fact
the refinery was purchased well above its fair value. The business failure came
to a pass also because, in the act of revenge, Russians cut off the pipeline
running to the refinery due to a breakdown in July 2006, while negotiations
regarding the purchase were still under way. This did not dissuade Polish
decision-makers from pressing ahead with the purchase. Then, in 2008,
Lithuanian railroads ripped off tracks running to the refinery, rendering it
useless for months, as there was no infrastructure between the facility and the
port in Klaipeda. The Lithuanian business began to break even in 2012. The
estimated loss to the Polish taxpayers, counting in purchase of assets above
their fair value, operating losses, costs of debt service and missed
opportunities is estimated at 20 billion PLN, more than 2% of Poland’s general
government debt. There are ample examples of flawed decisions on acquisitions
made in the private sector, but there costs of management’s inflated ambitions
(chief driver of such transactions) are borne mostly by the company’s
shareholders, not by taxpayers.
I dread to
think how the PiS government intends to crack down on overliquidity in the
Polish banking sector. Is it going to coerce banks to lend money?
także pozabudżetowy mechanizm inwestycyjny z zaangażowaniem aktywów spółek
Skarbu Państwa, w tym spółki Polskie Inwestycje Rozwojowe i Banku Gospodarstwa
Krajowego, a także specjalistyczne mechanizmy wspierania inwestycji, np. na
wzór LTRO (Long Term Refinancing Operation – program Europejskiego Banku
Centralnego) i programów proinwestycyjnych na Węgrzech.
Does the
author know what LTRO consists in? The definition provided towards the bottom of
page 76 does not closely match what I found through search engine. This is not
an investment-supporting programme, but a liquidity-enhancing measure and is
aimed at helping out banks having too many illiquid, poor-quality assets.
Polish banks neither struggle liquidity squeeze, nor have portfolios of badly-performing
assets, what is then the reason for application of such measure? As it was
rightly noted, Polish banking sector has a problem of excess liquidity,
totalling to 30 billion PLN.
When it
comes to the banking sector, credit expansion towards SMEs is to be facilitated
by guarantees issued by the state-owned bank (BGK, page 77)
możliwości gwarancyjnych polskiego BGK w granicach od 65 do 100 mld zł w latach
2015 – 2021 będzie rozwiązaniem bezpiecznym, niewymagającym nakładów ze strony
państwa i neutralnym dla budżetu.
When making
such move, you should be aware of two facts. Firstly, a bank which lends to a
business against a guarantee issued by BGK bears effectively credit risk of
BGK, because if a customer defaults, the bank has a claim on the guarantor.
This means commercial banks need to have credit limits for BGK, which although
not regulatory capped, are in practice limited by ceilings will be imposed by
banks’ internal policies. Secondly, issuing guarantees necessitate raising equity
to meet capital adequacy requirements, what, assuming BGK stays 100%
state-owned, means the government would need to inject money to pay-in the
capital, thus making the sentence above from the PiS agenda true, only if
current own funds of BGK give enough headroom to issue guarantees in
aforementioned amounts. On pages 77 and 78, the document says…
przedsiębiorcy prywatni ulokowali na rachunkach bankowych (w postaci lokat
długoterminowych) środki rzędu 200 mld zł. Jest to znaczny zasób rozwojowy, a państwo
ma obowiązek działać na rzecz jego uruchomienia poprzez stworzenie systemu
zachęt inwestycyjnych w systemie podatkowym. W przygotowanym Prawo i
Sprawiedliwość projekcie ustawy o podatkach dochodowych (PIT i CIT) znalazły
się rozwiązania pozwalające na 100-procentową amortyzację nakładów
inwestycyjnych w roku ich poniesienia, a w przypadku wydatków na badania i
rozwój – nawet na podwójne odliczenie. Szacuje się, że po wejściu tych
rozwiązań w życie w ciągu najbliższych 6–7 lat wspomniana kwota 200 mld zł
będzie przeznaczona na inwestycje.
During my
3-years’ career I have never seen any company which put its excess money on
bank deposits with term longer than 3 months. And mere tax credits are not a
cure for businesses’ reluctance to invest. I could argue with more of the
statements above, but as both the author of this part of the agenda as I lack
strong backing in favour of our assertions, such argument would get us nowhere.
Let’s turn to page 79 then.
instrumentem kumulowania złożonych zasobów rozwojowych będzie udomowienie
banków. Będziemy wspierać działania upowszechniające polską własność w sektorze
bankowym. (...) Pierwszym jest przyrost organiczny, czyli szybszy rozwój banków
krajowych poprzez rozwijanie akcji kredytowej i zwiększanie depozytów. Drugi
sposób polega na zakładaniu i rozwoju nowych instytucji opartych o kapitał
krajowy. W tym celu muszą zostać wprowadzone preferencje dla małych instytucji,
w tym spółdzielczych. Trzecim sposobem jest przejęcie banków opartych o kapitał
zagraniczny przez podmioty krajowe zaliczane do sektora finansowego, w których
Skarb Państwa ma znaczące udziały. Udomowieniu banków będzie towarzyszyła
rozbudowa polskiej bankowości o zasięgu lokalnym typu hipotecznego,
spółdzielczego lub kas oszczędnościowo-kredytowych. Udomowienie banków zwiększy
zaangażowanie polskiego sektora finansowego w rozwój gospodarczy, szczególnie
poprzez akcję kredytową, w tym udzielanie kredytów inwestycyjnych.
the banks is not an entirely new concept. Of course, proportions of capital
ownership can be changed by organic growth, but in line with previously
mentioned capital adequacy requirements, in order to extend more loans, you
need to shore up banks’ equities. How would it be ensured that holders of such
equity would be only Polish entities? In order to overtake the risk-averse
banks run from their head office abroad, lending standards would also have too
be loosed, running the risk of severe losses in the economic downturn.
Takeovers executed by state-owned banks are the most controversial idea.
Firstly, it decreases competition and even without effective merger which could
be blocked by competition watchdog (recall incomplete merger of Pekao and BPH
in 2007?), control over the banking sector could be concentrated in one pair of
hands. Secondly, it would cost billions of zlotys and if political goals are
set above sound business reasoning, state-owned banks are likely to pay over
the odds for their targets.
These are
just a few examples of flawed or undoable concepts from the economic agenda of
PiS. Apart from them it contains several questionable ideas, transferring
free-market mechanism of economic self-regulation to the hands of the
government and several good ideas, which, if properly implemented, could unleash
potential of Polish small and medium companies and make business environment in
Poland more friendly. Nevertheless, the approach to the economy is too statist
for me. Too many control and co-ordination mechanisms are put forward. The
government, whose areas of control or regulation are too wide, is unlikely to
be lean, i.e. cheap and efficient.
I am
looking forward to newly-released economic agendas of main political parties in
Poland. When they are published, I promise to pick out incongruities and share
them with you.
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