Sunday 26 July 2020


In the time pandemic, when external factors forced me to stay at home, I have appreciated the importance of exercising, physical movement and keeping fit. I believe socialising and sport are the two main activities that bring on endorphins. As the everyday part of the former, i.e. working in the office, had to be contained (and will sadly remain so), the deficiency of good vibes had to be made up for with the latter. At first I took long (5 – 10 kilometres) walks every day. With time and inspired by some people, I have decided to get my act to together and do more.

Firstly, I have stepped up cycling. I began the season in late March, with a 51-kilometre ride. On most weekends with moderate temperature (day-time high below +25C) I took trips longer than 50 kilometres. My lifetime one-day record is 95 kilometres (set in 2017) and I aim to beat it and ride 100 kilometres within one day. The trip will be split into 3 or 4 passages, with some breaks to a have a rest, including a lunch break at a bar for cyclists. If possible, I find company for cycling, but the record-beating ride will need to be a lonely one, so that I adjust the pace to my body. Besides, I have purchased a solid bicycle U-lock that will allow me to use the bike to take short (below 10 kilometres) trips which I used to take by public transport when I had a valid travelcard, but recently I had to cover them on foot or by car, if I was short of time to walk several kilometres (shame!).

Secondly, since the swimming pools opened, I go there more or less regularly. I have unfrozen my Multisport benefit card, which allows me to enter a swimming pool once a day free of charge and the renewal takes effect on 1 August. Since then, motivated by not having to pay 16 PLN for a single ticket (but paying a monthly surcharge of 40 PLN deducted from my salary), I aim to go there some three times a week (time and other obligations permitting). This resolution remains conditionally valid, until swimming pools are closed again*.

On Thursday I took up running. For starters, I bought a pair of running shoes. I ran again yesterday and plan to do it every second day. At the beginning, not to overstrain myself, I march one kilometre, then run one kilometre and do so in intervals (equipped my smartphone in an interval timer application) for over 20 minutes. From the next week I will run 2 minutes and march 1 minute, then run 3 minutes and march 1 minute, then keep on running for 20 minutes, then 25 minutes, then 30 minutes. Jogging at the beginning might be uphill (not literally), yet it gives me pleasure and satisfaction.

We might be in a for a return of restrictions on social life, the private life might not shape up well, though prospects are good at the moment, days will be getting shorter and colder soon. Many factors might get us down, but exercising has a healing effect on mental and physical health, comes rain or shine.

* After relaxing social distancing rules the number of new COVID-19 infections rises in several countries and I believe some restrictions will need to be imposed again to clamp down on number of new cases, but they will not be as harsh as in March or April 2020, as no economy can afford a second all-out lockdown. The coronavirus deserves a separate post anyway and I promise to write up one in August.

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