The recent wave of anomalous heat is the second such event in Poland in 2023, however much less impressive than New Year's Day when temperature in Warsaw topped at +18.9C, breaking a previous country-wide record by 2 Celsius degrees and setting a level which will not be beaten for years, despite the global warming. On the first day of 2023 temperature was some 15 Celsius degrees higher than long-term average for that day, while recently the positive anomaly reached "mere" 8 Celsius degrees.
Summer months of 2023 were the hottest on earth since records began, but Poland was not as badly affected by heat as southern Europe, with summer-time high in Warsaw of +34.3C reported on 15 August 2023.
Early days of September were quite normal temperature-wise. Heat came in on 6 September 2023 - from that day on day-time highs exceeded +26C. A veritable heat wave haunted Warsaw at the beginning of the second decade of September, with day-time highs above +28C on the 11th and 12th day of the month, then hitting +30.4C on 13 September 2023. It was the second-latest incidence of heat (upał, defined as maximum temperature exceeding +30C) the capital of Poland, not far from beating the record set on 14 September 1951.
Next days brought relief from the sultry air, but on 17 September 2023 and 18 September 2023 the African air struck again, though not so spectalularly, with +28C in the afternoon on the latter day.
On the two first days of the third decade of September the heat was even less intense, with temperature topping +26C and azure blue skies.
The last week of the month is to bring another spell of abnormal warmth, with day-time highs expected to reach around +25C in Warsaw.
The September heat has not been unusuaul in recent years, as I wrote commenting Michael's post. I can add on top the third decade of September also brought temperatues well above +25C - such was the case in 2003.
The heat wave has been so prolonged that it is now more than sure September 2023 will be the warmest since records began in Poland, with positive deviation from the mean reaching even 4 Celsius degrees. In Warsaw where average temperature for September is +14.0C (1991-2020), it will be warmer than in 1892 (+16.5C), 1967 and 2016 (both +16.4C).
The Warsaw's record of the latest heat is unlikely to be beaten, but the countrywide one, set on 27 September 2012, does stand such chance to be broken. In Warsaw I see a major chance of beating the record of the highest mimimum temperature (currently +7.0C recorded in September 2006) and a tiny chance of setting a new record of maximum temperature in October (currently +25.9C set on 5 October 1966).
Since at this time of year days are shorter, evenings, nights and morning are markedly colder, September heat is easy to endure, as you can take shelter from it indoors if you cool it down at night, without having to recourse to air-conditioning. But those masses of air flowed in July, we would have suffered...
The marvellous spell of late summer definitely lifts spirits, but in fact there is no reason to be cheerful, as the global warming leaves its stamp on us again.
Post written from the smartphone, while travelling in business.
Off to Italy for 12 days tomorrow, where according to the forecasts, I am likely to experience temperatures from +20C to +26C and full sunshine over the entire stay. Photo catch-up due on 22 October 2023, while a week earlier is the election day.