Sunday 10 December 2023


A short note written amid a hectic period to posterity (as nearly all recently) during two underground train rides.

Again, I have entered the phase of learning to live together. My girlfriend moved in to my flat a week ago. My one-bedroom 51 sqm place has become a kind of tiny, yet I bear in mind this is a temporary dwelling. The experience is different to the one I went through a few years ago, especially since I have invited a co-host to a space I had occupied for a longer while, instead of moving in to a flat rented together. We are doing some refurbrishments, preparing my girlfriend's flat before subletting, hence a lot is going on around.

Weather-wise, worth noting the current December is the "most wintry" since 2012. The average temperature in the first decade of the month had a material negative deviation, snow has been on the ground for over a week now. A mild thaw sets in today, but outlook for the second half of the month remains uncertain. Keeping fingers crossed for white Christmas anyway.

This year I am only a volunteer and a deputy leader in Szlachetna Paczka, with these role being far less time-consuming that last year. The circle keeps turning and people keep doing a good job, with a record number of 58 families from Ursynów receiving aid this year. I am proud to have had the contribution to set this machine in motion.

Corpo-wise, my workload has not eased up. Turning over a new leaf is due on 1 February - I am about to move to a parallel team dealing with more complicated transactions.  Lots of challenges ahead and with a bit of overstaffing out there I hope to have more space for recharging batteries.

The experience of the recent months has reinforced my dislike for life in haste. Being in constant rush is detrimental to physical and mental health, takes away pleasure from life, hampers relationships (all, not only romantic ones) and brings out a feeling of missing out on important things. The worst of all is the feeling that with such shortage of time I could not be a caring and committed father, fully involved in looking after children. The clock is ticking slowly, but the time seems to be running out too fast.

Next post on Christmas Eve!

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