Today I take a glimpse at deceptive, calumniating, Jewish anti-Law(lesness)-and-(in)Justice press tube – Gazeta Wyborcza, by some called also “Koszerna”. I’m a regular reader of the newspaper, chiefly because it’s fully available in the Internet. Today’s issue turns out to be particularly attractive as it dwells on the topic I find worth touching upon.
1) The crackdown on con men (as I call akwizytorzy) of pension funds trying to dissuade the “fugitives” from transferring their money into a competitor’s fund, resorting to numerous malpractices and misguiding the clients. The business is still lucrative, which proves an e-mail which I received from my schoolmate two days ago:
Jak zapewne wiecie zajmuje się między innymi pracą w grupie *** jako agent funduszu emerytalnego. Moim głównym zadaniem jest podpisywanie wniosków z osobami, które chcą do funduszu przystąpić lub go zmienić. Z tym związany jest oczywiście konkretny zarobek i moja propozycja.
Od każdej umowy otrzymuję prowizję w zależności od dochodów klienta. To, co oferuję, to 30% kwoty mojej prowizji za każdą umowę, którą dzięki waszemu poleceniu podpiszę. Oznacza to, że jednym telefonem możecie zarobić od 10 zł do 100 zł. Wszystkimi formalnościami zajmuję się ja. Oczekuję jedynie podania telefonu zainteresowanej osoby i waszego numeru konta :)
Left without response, I’m not going to drag anybody into the shady business of the company accused of the aforementioned malpractices…
2) About salespeople (sometimes, God knows why, called also advisors) in one of the most known banks. How to fall into paranoia trying to reach the sales targets and how to torment employees. Dear client – beware!
3) An outcry on the practices of mobile operators, still focusing on ripping off the customers. It’s only our fault – millions of people keep their numbers in Orżnąć, although its rates are prohibitive, call prices two times higher than competitors, but as long as the clients stay with them they get no incentive to cut the rates.
4) According to one of IPN’s historians, former president Lech Wałęsa was unlawfully granted the status of victim of communist regime, Mr. Żaryn called him also an ulcer on institute’s body.
5) Mgr Zyzak, whom I mentioned a few days ago made an appearance in TV show by Jan Pospieszalski. Two henchmen brought together in room, in the second part of the broadcast historians and journalists debated over his book. It transpired that nobody, including prof. Nowak took pains to go through the entire, six hundred pages long book, but everybody compares people attacking the libel as the advocates of totalitarian order. Freedom of the speech is limited by the dignity of fellow members of society…
Zdrowych, spokojnych, wiosennych Świąt Wielkanocy!
Cranes and trains
The cold snap continues, it's 7pm and -4°C outside right now; it's not been
perfectly cloudless but now then then the sun blasts through. Sunset is
just be...
2 days ago
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